
緬甸 Myanmar

時間 標題 內容
2023-08-16 Myanmar eyes surge in rice exports
2023-09-09 China and Myanmar eye closer agricultural cooperation
2023-09-10 Myanmar exports over 220,000 tons of green grams in April-August 2023
2023-09-05 Myanmar earns over 1.28 bln USD from agricultural exports in nearly 5 months
2023-09-07 The sudden rise in world rice prices and Myanmar’s inflation
2023-09-02 Myanmar exports over 59,000 tons of rice, broken rice in August
2023-08-29 Price Controls Trigger Turmoil in Myanmar’s Rice Market
2023-08-30 Thai rice price surges on India, Myanmar export bans
2023-08-30 Myanmar earns over 214 mln USD from fishery exports in April-August
2023-08-31 Myanmar imports 35,000 ton fertilizers in 7 days
2023-08-26 Myanmar plans to curb rice exports as domestic prices rise
2023-09-12 Myanmar exports over 113,000 tons of watermelon to China in first 8 months
2023-08-16 Myanmar To Profit From India’s Ban On Rice Exports
2023-08-17 Myanmar eyes to increase rice exports in coming months
2023-08-19 Cattle die of unknown disease in Myanmar
2023-08-19 Myanmar exports about 200,000 tons of black grams in over 4 months
2023-07-18 Myanmar exports over 500 tons of honey in Q1 of 2023-24 FY
2023-07-19 Farmers in Myanmar Are Being Threatened With Prison to Repay Loans
2023-07-21 Myanmar earns US$26.975 m from bean and pulses exports till July 7 in 2023-2024 FY
2023-07-13 Feature: Myanmar farmers have high hopes for this year's monsoon harvest
2023-07-05 Myanmar exports 260,000 tons of rice, broken rice in Q1 of FY 2023-24
2023-07-05 China Remains Main Market for Myanmar’s Mangos
2023-09-28 Myanmar’s Daily Struggles Amid Rising Rice and Oil Prices: Balancing Armed Revolution and Economic Pressure
2024-10-25 國際玉米動態:緬甸大力出口 阿根廷將減少栽培
2024-06-12 緬甸最近2個月水產出口值達1億美元
2023-10-04 Myanmar's fishery exports earn over 282 mln USD in nearly 6 months
2023-10-03 Myanmar’s fishery exports to over 40 foreign countries bag US$270 mln in H1
2023-09-28 Myanmar exports over 26,420 tonnes of rice in Sept 2nd week
2023-09-30 Myanmar Coffee Association exhibits booths at World Speciality Coffee Conference & Exhibition 2023 in Tokyo
2023-09-29 Workshop to promote trade of fresh fruits launched in Myanmar
2023-10-02 Myanmar ships $1.736 mln worth of over 1,000 tonnes of honey in five months
2023-09-29 South Korea to send 3 tons of rice to Philippines, Myanmar and Laos
2023-09-28 Myanmar exports over 26,420 tonnes of rice in Sept 2nd week
2023-06-19 Rice Shortage Beckons in Myanmar’s Cyclone-Wrecked Rakhine
2023-09-25 Myanmar Junta Slaps Struggling Farmers with Price Controls
2023-09-25 Myanmar to implement crop insurance system for farmers
2023-09-26 Myanmar’s pulses exports surge, garnering US$650 mln in 5.5 months
2023-09-24 Myanmar eyes more corn exports to China this year
2023-09-25 Myanmar set to export exceeding 200,000 tonnes of rice per month in Oct-Dec
2023-09-22 Myanmar exports over 100,000 tons of pigeon peas in over 5 months
2023-09-19 Myanmar earns over 1 mln USD from honey export within 5 months
2023-09-20 Myanmar's fishery exports earn over 244 mln USD in April-August
2023-09-21 Myanmar to export 60,000 tonnes of corn from Shan State to China in Oct
2023-09-12 Myanmar exports over 279,300 tons of black grams in 5 months in FY23
2023-06-21 Australian food manufacturer seeking agricultural investment potential in Cambodia
2023-05-23 U.S. traders flouting sanctions on buying Myanmar teak, report says
2023-05-23 Myanmar earns US$379 M from rice and broken rice export
2023-05-23 Livestock in Myanmar’s Rakhine State Decimated by Cyclone Mocha
2023-03-16 Indonesia in talks with Myanmar, says Jokowi as he stresses Asean’s focus on a peaceful region
2022-02-22 日本企業接連撤出緬甸業務
2021-05-04 木姐的稻米邊境出口突然停止
2022-01-05 緬甸危機四伏 柬埔寨:具爆發內戰所有要素
2021-01-14 Agriculture Ministry Wants More Dams Amid Water Shortage
2021-01-22 Myanmar Set Up Agri Market Centre in Nay Pyi Taw
2021-03-22 Friend: 2 Australian Agriculture Consultants Held in Myanmar
2021-02-12 Political Unrest Turns Myanmar's Agriculture Sector Sour
2021-05-31 Myanmar’s Economic Meltdown Likely to Push Opium Output Up, Says UN
2021-06-02 Comfortable in the ‘Generals’ Village’, the UN and EU Lined Myanmar Military’s Pockets
2021-06-14 Myanmar’s Post-coup Economic Freefall Hits Impoverished Arakan Harder Than Most
2021-06-22 FAO Increases Household Incomes Through the Rehabilitation and Construction of Small-scale Multipurpose Infrastructures in Myanmar
2021-06-21 UN Assembly Condemns Myanmar Coup, Calls For Arms Embargo
2021-06-21 Debate Over Myanmar Upends Start to UN Rights Body Session
2021-06-21 Ferris State University Helps People of Myanmar Through Anu Sushi Contract
2021-06-24 Bangladesh Continues to Import Rice From Myanmar
2021-06-23 Myanmar | Agricultural Livelihoods and Food Security in the Context of COVID-19
2021-04-16 搶攻新南向 永豐金兵分三路
2021-05-04 皎漂軟殼蟹打入國外市場
2021-05-07 經濟制裁緬甸 歐美國家陷兩難
2022-03-27 緬甸政變逾一年 軍政府矢言殲滅反抗者
2022-10-12 駐緬甸代表處投書緬甸唯一英文官媒獲於10月10日刊出,傳達臺灣立場
2022-08-28 緬甸經濟崩盤 2千萬人每日生活費低於60元
2022-08-18 印緬關係密切受質疑 印度外長辯護
2022-05-31 緬甸克耶邦的HASS酪梨品種擬打入美國市場
2022-05-19 「中緬國際大通道」開闢 重慶-印度陸海聯運借道緬甸
2022-05-15 馬國外長會晤緬甸影子政府外長 創東協國家先例
2022-04-17 Bolstering Myanmar-Bangladesh Ties With Neighborly Spirit – OpEd
2022-04-20 High sugar prices unlikely to benefit ailing farmers
2022-04-20 Pune Science Weekly: Using agro-waste to produce pulp for green furniture and disposable packaging
2021-07-06 政變疫情夾擊 緬甸經濟估萎縮18%
2022-03-22 不再忍耐種族屠殺 美欲制裁緬甸軍政府
2021-12-18 日前大臣表態支持緬甸政變 推動對緬巨額投資
2021-12-15 布林肯:緬甸情況越來越糟 研議加強施壓軍政府
2021-10-16 東協峰會10月底登場 排除緬甸軍政府參與
2021-10-06 批緬甸未遵守協議 東協擬拒邀緬甸參加峰會
2021-09-07 不停火!緬甸「影子政府」宣布發動「人民防衛戰爭」
2021-08-31 緬甸政變後 中國亞洲事務特使首度獲邀訪問
2021-08-02 緬甸局勢不見進展 東協籲軍方批准特使任命