
緬甸 Myanmar

Political Unrest Turns Myanmar's Agriculture Sector Sour


The military’s forced transfer of power on February 1 has severely hampered the country’s agriculture sector. Exports have stalled while planned projects have been put on hold, said players in the industry.

Myanmar Avocados Entrepreneurs Association’s Chair Daw Sandar Myo said that discussions to set up a US backed avocado packaging factory in Southern Shan State have been pushed back.

Discussions for a factory project for Wa fruits have also stalled, she said.

“I also heard that international assistance will stop. This includes assistance from Denmark. I don’t know if programs focusing on MSMEs like the Responsible Business Fund will stop,” said the chair.

German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has also suspended its ASEAN Agriculture Trade Project and other partnerships with Myanmar. They will make a decision to stop or continue co-operations in four weeks.

The country’s fruit exports have also hit a roadblock.

Exports of avocados and ginger to Britain and muskmelons to the EU have been called off, said business people.

Plans to export Myanmar watermelon to the UAE is also in doubt.


Source from: Pa Pa(2021). Political Unrest Turns Myanmar's Agriculture Sector Sour. Retrieved from: Myanmar Times, Business(February 12, 2021). https://www.mmtimes.com/news/political-unrest-turns-myanmars-agriculture-sector-sour.html