
紐西蘭 New zealand

時間 標題 內容
2023-02-01 Taranaki farmers to witness 1600 sheep milked at upcoming open day
2023-02-01 Vegetable price hikes likely after crops lost in floods, Auckland growers say
2023-02-01 Lamb prices under pressure – Hybu Cig Cymru analysis
2023-02-01 Growing in the ocean: Developing seaweed farming pegged as sustainable alternative to land-based agriculture
2023-03-22 Eat your greens: a collection of Aotearoa's finest sustainable dining experiences
2023-03-22 Vertical farming partnership has upward momentum
2023-03-22 CLIMATE CHANGE Decisions on agricultural emissions pricing scheme delayed as UN urges swift climate action
2023-03-22 Farmer Focus: Devastating flood impacts in the North Island
2023-03-22 University of Waikato, Bay of Plenty whānau tackle fish farming research project
2023-03-22 Northland news in brief: Shearing success; and farm enviro awards
2023-03-22 Hamilton-based indoor vertical veg farmer gets boost in wake of weather events
2023-03-22 Federated Farmers' LifeSciences Push To Loosen GE Regulation Is A Threat To Farmers And Exports
2023-03-22 Agri jobs: 850-cow New Zealand farm seeks assistant
2023-03-22 2023 Manawatū Dairy Industry Awards Winners Announced
2023-03-22 MPI helping farmers as they work through cyclone-related problems
2023-03-22 E-commerce platform launches to support Kiwi-owned business - Buy Kiwi
2023-03-22 Te Puke Young Farmers on the lookout for new blood
2023-03-22 Tararua farmers picking up the pieces after Cyclone Gabrielle
2023-03-22 Egg shortage threatens New Zealand’s national dish
2023-05-23 Reduced New Zealand Seabird Catch Results Presented To International Forum
2023-05-23 Rabo Client Council brings farm financial skills workshops back to the Riverina and Northern Victoria
2023-05-23 Cattle disease M bovis found at another farm in Canterbury
2023-05-23 Wind farm planned for near Wyndham
2023-05-23 ISO Limited and Liebherr advance New Zealand timber
2023-05-23 Positive reaction to Rishi Sunak’s Food Summit talks
2023-05-23 Northland Regional Council wants urgent meeting with Biosecurity Minister over caulerpa invader
2023-05-23 New Zealand’s ratio of sheep to humans at lowest point in 170 years
2023-05-23 There are fewer than five sheep per New Zealander for the first time since records began
2023-05-23 New Zealand dairy herd contracts 6% in five years
2023-05-23 New Zealand loses 400,000 sheep in a year, but the animal still outnumbers the country’s inhabitants
2023-05-23 New Zealand loses 400,000 sheep in a year, but the animal still outnumbers the country’s inhabitants
2023-05-23 New Zealand’s sheep-to-people ratio at record low (five to one)
2023-05-23 New Zealand's apple production and exports to hit “record low” in 2023
2023-05-23 Beyond Factory Farms: A New Look at the Rights of Animals
2023-05-23 Equal to taking 300k cars off the road: New Zealand launches largest emissions reduction
2023-05-23 Government investing $3.6 million to prevent farm land erosion and soil going into waterways
2023-05-23 Sanford sells fishing rights to fellow New Zealand player
2023-05-23 Leading New Zealand Fishing Companies Announce Long Term Arrangement For North Island Inshore Fishing
2023-05-23 Sanford to sell inshore fishing business, profit almost doubles
2023-05-23 ASX Small Caps Lunch Wrap: What’s got NZ’s knitted knickers in a twist this morning?
2023-05-23 Live export phase-out panel meets with New Zealand officials to determine impacts of ban
2023-05-23 Beef and Lamb NZ Field Day to discuss water systems and farm development
2023-06-12 Biosecurity rules in place to stop Northland spread of invasive seaweed - Biosecurity New Zealand
2023-06-12 Election 2023: National kicks agricultural pricing down farm path
2023-06-16 Terence Corcoran: Let’s cheer for New Zealand in its dairy trade battle with Canada
2023-06-26 New Zealand’s three-decade ban on genetic modification, explained
2023-06-26 New tool could reduce fertiliser use and clean up waterways
2023-06-25 After Cyclone, New Zealand’s Apple Industry Prioritizes Asian Markets
2023-06-24 Dairy farming in a drought – tips from New Zealand
2023-06-23 Keeping It Light – The Comparative Small Carbon Footprint Of New Zealand Wild-caught Seafood
2023-06-22 Mānuka honey dispute: New Zealand will not appeal recent trademark decision
2023-07-02 GUEST BLOG: Jon Carapiet – Lab-grown meat. Why it’s bad for New Zealand, for more reasons than you think
2023-07-01 Australian and New Zealand lamb prices fall to just €3.50/kg to €3.80/kg
2023-06-30 New Zealand falls out of love with sheep farming as lucrative pine forests spread
2023-06-30 Exporting Samoan taro to New Zealand - PACER Plus
2023-07-02 Local small-scale growers concerned about new food safety regulations
2023-06-27 Third of NZ's strawberry plants ruined by wild weather
2023-06-29 China and New Zealand Forge Stronger Trade & Agriculture Pact
2023-06-28 New Zealand business delegation in China strikes deal for red meat sector
2023-06-27 New Zealand Producer Uses Brix Levels to Determine Ideal Harvest Moment
2023-07-05 2023 a strong vintage for New Zealand wine
2023-07-04 Value exports of New Zealand wine jumps 25%
2023-07-04 Singapore retailer HoneyWorld sold to New Zealand producer
2023-07-07 Farmers have burnout risk of 70%, new research reveals
2023-07-10 New Zealand’s Leading Plant-based Food Brand Angel Food Launches PledgeMe Crowdfunding Raise
2023-07-10 $20m deal for New Zealand seafood secured with signed EU
2023-07-09 Kevin Jenkins: It isn’t easy being a small cheesemaker in New Zealand
2023-07-09 Egypt's agricultural exports hit new highs
2023-07-12 Dairy Trends: new-season Kiwi milk homeless at moment
2023-07-11 EU-New Zealand trade deal includes animal welfare conditions
2023-07-11 New Magic Beans app promotes swapping and donating of home-grown fruit and vegetables
2023-07-14 EU New Zealand free trade agreement another blow for sheep farmers
2023-07-23 National promises new Minister for Hunting and Fishing, will stop game animals being classified as pests
2023-07-19 New Zealand home cooks turn to ‘roadkill’ and are frying up possum as meat prices soar: ‘Way tastier than processed food’
2023-07-19 Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in New Zealand's wild cockles and watercress puts people at risk
2023-08-02 Warm winter threatens New Zealand kiwifruit
2023-08-02 New Zealand reports zero cases of cattle disease M. Bovis
2023-08-02 Fonterra farmers fear new season milk price forecast about to get the chop
2023-08-08 Fluctuations in global beef and pork market, new report states
2023-08-07 Creating a fisheries for the 21st century requires ambition
2023-08-11 Bring prices down by enabling NZ growers to grow more vegetables - Horticulture New Zealand Being able to gro
2023-08-11 More than 20 fishing vessels inspected during New Zealand-led South Pacific fisheries patrol - Fisheries New Zealand
2023-08-10 Kiwis sold in PA recalled for possible listeria contamination
2023-08-16 Is fish the new farming frontier for New Zealand?
2023-08-15 Windrush Lancelot sets new £4,000 Southdown breed record
2023-08-13 Over 200,000ha of New Zealand farms bought to convert to forestry
2023-08-13 New Zealand Labour to remove GST from fruit and vegetables if re-elected
2023-08-22 Fiji Rice explores new markets
2023-08-20 Australian wine surplus unlikely to affect New Zealand market
2023-08-17 New Zealand pushes back start date for price on farm emissions
2023-08-24 Eat New Zealand tomatoes and support local growers - Horticulture New Zealand
2023-08-23 'New wave' of EU farmers buying dairy farms in Canada
2023-08-24 Agri-solar farm could provide new cash crop in Waipara - Far North Solar Farm
2023-08-25 NZ merino wool sellers attract new ethical producers in Australia to stem shortfall
2023-08-31 New rules to prevent the spread of Bluff oyster disease
2023-08-29 New Zealand to ban bottom fishing for most of marine park
2023-08-30 Animal and plant health appoints new chief executive
2023-09-01 New Plymouth District Council to receive about $900,000 seven years after sale of Tasmanian dairy farms
2023-09-01 New controls to prevent spread of oyster disease Bonamia ostreae comes into force in New Zealand
2023-09-05 A behind-the-scenes look at Pioneer Orchids New Zealand in Northland
2023-09-04 US and New Zealand milk production down in July
2023-09-06 New Zealand dairy exporters celebrate CPTPP win over Canada
2023-09-06 Peanut trial offers hope for new Northland home
2023-09-06 Dairy Farmers of Canada wants review of New Zealand’s dairy policy following CPTPP dispute panel decision
2023-09-07 Rabobank New Zealand Agribusiness Monthly - September 2023
2023-09-07 In the face of climate change and food insecurity, New Zealand considers lab-grown fruit
2023-09-10 Seafood New Zealand Finds “Much To Like” In Green’s Oceans Policy, But Warns Against Misinformation
2023-09-10 Agvocating a new spin for wool
2023-09-08 Government claims victory in dairy dispute with New Zealand
2023-09-13 New Zealand's biggest egg producer potentially for sale
2023-09-15 Sealord says new deal to take over Independent Fisheries will make it biggest kaimoana company
2023-09-15 How this Meath farmer halved his workload during lambing by switching to a composite New Zealand breed
2023-09-15 Protecting the right to grow food policies welcomed - Horticulture New Zealand
2023-09-15 Water storage policies welcomed - Horticulture New Zealand
2023-09-21 New Zealand changes catch limit for 10 fish stocks
2023-09-19 Sealord to buy Independent Fisheries, become New Zealand’s biggest seafood business
2023-09-22 First chance to view new Tefrom sheep in the flesh
2023-09-25 New Zealand King Salmon back in black, posts NZD 10.6 million half-year profit
2023-09-27 New Zealand farmers seek more right-wing government for help
2023-09-28 High hopes for new fishing season
2023-09-27 Fendt releases all-new 900 Series Rogator Sprayer
2023-10-02 Report shows impact of new and proposed environmental regulations on NZ farmers
2023-09-29 Agreement Aims To Maintain And Enhance New Zealand’s Popular And Iconic Sports Fisheries
2023-09-30 Plans in place for new sugar mill
2023-10-02 Deer farmer in New Zealand fined $12,000 for not tagging 278 NAIT animals
2023-10-04 New Zealand Labour party set to pay cost for lost farm incomes at the polls
2023-10-05 New Zealand’s crisis-hit farmers feel the gloom, potentially putting climate action in jeopardy
2024-01-17 紐西蘭乳品將零關稅 畜試所籲用快檢術精進品管
2024-06-04 高雄玉荷包荔枝外銷 紐西蘭市占率穩定成長
2024-06-06 效期逾30天可標「長效鮮乳」 酪農反彈
2024-06-13 李強抵紐西蘭 稱打造全面戰略夥伴關係升級
2024-06-13 紐西蘭牛乳衛福部預告標示長效鮮乳 農業部再行文盼更正
2024-06-15 李強訪乳品公司 紐西蘭貿易部長稱正面發展
2024-07-08 高雄芒果首次進軍紐西蘭 芭樂今年外銷成長6成
2024-07-08 保障國產鮮乳 農業部籲保存15天以上標長效乳
2024-08-06 「綠」金還是「黑」金?紐西蘭成環保「倒退嚕」國家
2024-09-02 「紐」乳海嘯2/「班班喝鮮乳」難敵零關稅強敵 專家倡國產牧草拚降鮮乳成本
2024-09-02 「紐」乳海嘯1/零關稅紐西蘭乳2025襲台 酪農憂「最惠國」待遇擊潰乳品市場
2024-09-25 「班班喝鮮乳」最快周五供應 農業部:本學期44次不縮水
2024-10-01 班班有鮮奶政策突襲,羊乳業者措手不及,訂單驟減2至5成,產業如遭斷頭刀
2024-10-09 【評論】班班有鮮奶五大問題,好事成亂象,農業部應開放決策,打開國產鮮乳食農教育
2025-01-12 零關稅紐乳來了5 / 平價小農品牌找出路 酪農嘆經營變數多
2024-10-13 聯合報社論/「班班喝鮮奶」成為荒腔走板的政策災難
2021-05-13 紐澳兄弟鬩牆 麥蘆卡蜂蜜專利之爭
2021-05-11 受中國市場拖累 紐西蘭乳品大廠股價續跌
2021-05-10 驚! 可愛刺蝟血洗紐西蘭生態圈 原生種遭大量捕食
2021-04-19 澳洲、紐西蘭免隔離旅行上路 機場湧進大批旅客
2021-04-14 考量動物福利 紐西蘭宣布將停止海運活畜出口
2021-04-14 紐西蘭將創全球首例 強制大型企業報告氣候變遷影響
2021-03-18 紐西蘭純素食品需求大增 南島建第一家植物奶工廠
2021-03-15 紐西蘭積極在APEC推動取消防疫必要物資關稅,以及促進疫苗通關便捷化等倡議
2021-03-05 紐國疫情紓困政策有助經濟復甦
2021-03-05 紐國將推動交通部門減碳
2021-02-01 紐西蘭貿易部長歡迎英國即將正式申請加入跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定(CPTPP)
2021-06-07 史上首次!「336公斤台灣荔枝」今輸銷紐西蘭合格通關
2021-06-22 要求紐西蘭恢復芒果進口 農委會:僅荔枝有東方果實蠅
2021-06-22 Taiwan to ask New Zealand to lift import ban on mangoes
2021-06-23 New Zealand next up for UK trade deal
2021-06-18 An incredible day for New Zealand agriculture
2021-06-07 We are good at agriculture, and we can be proud of it
2021-06-04 How New Zealand is targeting the UAE with its agricultural technology
2021-05-31 Protecting agriculture from climate action could waste billions
2021-06-09 Ardern says climate crisis is ‘life or death’ as New Zealand landmark report calls for sweeping changes
2021-06-01 New Zealand gauges flood damage as waters recede
2021-06-21 New Zealand and United Kingdom to reach free trade agreement in August
2021-06-17 2021 Hainan Free Trade Port (Sanya) New Zealand special investment promotion meeting held in Shanghai
2021-07-13 越南與新西蘭利用自貿協定 增加貿易額
2021-06-29 Call for pork imports to meet NZ standards
2022-01-10 紐西蘭駐台代表馬嘉博履新 以中文拜早年
2022-03-16 下個月重新開放邊境!紐西蘭總理:準備好歡迎世界回歸
2022-03-23 紐西蘭估Omicron疫情高峰將結束4/4起鬆綁疫苗強制令
2022-03-23 紐西蘭估Omicron疫情高峰將結束 4/4起鬆綁疫苗強制令
2022-02-23 紐西蘭央行今升息1碼 六個月來第三度升息
2022-02-25 紐西蘭牛乳供應吃緊 恆天然上調收購價預測區間
2022-04-12 Leaft Foods lands US$15M to bring “beef-like” proteins made from ordinary leaves to US market​
2022-04-12 New Zealand Meat Processors And Exporters Welcome Immigration Boost
2022-04-12 Hundreds more dairy, meat and forestry workers allowed in under new border rules
2022-04-12 Primary Sector Workforce Support In Dairy, Meat And Forestry
2022-04-12 Report Finds New Zealand Fisheries Highly Sustainable
2022-07-08 全球首例 紐西蘭將向畜牧業溫室氣體排放收費
2022-07-29 紐西蘭去殖民化想改國名? 政府民間兩樣情
2022-10-11 紐西蘭拚減碳 牛羊打嗝、尿尿要課稅
2022-10-14 'We are not bringing in a methane tax': Agriculture Minister Murray Watt rules out Australia following New Zealand's move