
新加坡 Singapore

「台式碳烤吐司」席捲新加坡!美食家大讚:想念台灣味 | Taiwanese Breakfast Takes S’pore by Storm



Sandwiches have become increasingly popular in Taiwan in recent years, and more and more chain stores have sprung up and expanded very fast.   

The “Taiwanese breakfast” craze has now reached Singapore where Taiwanese-inspired beef sandwiches and fresh milk tea have successfully won the locals’ hearts (and stomachs).  

根據新加坡知名美食部落格 danielfooddiar 報導, 「Samwitch」 是一間位在新加坡東北部後港地鐵站附近的碳烤吐司店,其靈感正是來自台灣。  

According to Singaporean food blog danielfooddiar, Samwitch is a breakfast kiosk inspired by Taiwan’s food culture and located near the Hougang MRT station in northeast Singapore.


The breakfast kiosk, which boasts a sleek exterior design, features fresh beef and chicken sandwiches with cheese and pickles. The multi-layered rich taste with thick meat has attracted many gourmets for far and near.  


The Singaporean food blogger said that he missed sandwiches in Taiwan and decided to try the sandwiches of “Samwitch” to relieve his tastebuds.


He said: “The Beef Sandwich left a positive impression, filled with tender cured meat texture and flavoring.”  

這位部落客分享道, Samwitch的老闆是一位20多歲的女士,她受到台式早餐店啟發,決定在新加坡賣台式早餐,與其他人分享美食。  

The blogger explained that Samwitch’s owner is a woman in her late 20s who was inspired by Taiwanese breakfast stores and decided to offer something similar in Singapore.  

除了碳烤土司外, Samwitch還有販售鮮奶茶。部落客說,由紅茶、鮮奶、原糖所調配而成的鮮奶茶甜度剛好,還能嘗到其茶香底蘊。  

What’s more? Samwitch also sells fresh milk tea. The blogger said that the fresh milk tea made from black tea, fresh milk and raw sugar is just the right amount of sweetness, and you can also taste the aroma of the tea.  

Samwitch 主打使用真材實料,不添加任何人工香料、防腐劑。雞肉三明治每份售價新幣7.6 (約新台幣161元)、牛肉三明治定價新幣8.9 (約新台幣188元)。  

Samwitch uses “real food,” without any artificial flavors or preservatives. The chicken sandwich is priced at S$7.60 (about NT$161) and the beef sandwich is priced at S$8.90 (about NT$188). 


資料來源:Shelly Yang(2021)。「台式碳烤吐司」席捲新加坡!美食家大讚:想念台灣味 | Taiwanese Breakfast Takes S’pore by Storm。取自:The China Post(2021年04月08日)。  https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210408-2332279